ESG under Labour
The King’s Speech marked the new Labour government’s green agenda, with a strong focus on the energy transition and sustainability. This session of the PLG engaged with the government’s ambitions, exploring additional priorities as we look to accelerate the green transition.
Group litigation
The rising volume of group litigation cases puts pressure on boardrooms to prioritise ESG strategy and reduce exposure to risk. As group litigation evolves, questions around regulatory mandates, the risk of green hushing, and the ethics behind often massive third-party funding commitments will become more pertinent.
The Future of ESG
A range of factors leads to persistent confusion among investors and corporates, underlining the need for ESG reporting to be more targeted and specific. Regulation is supporting this transition, but there are questions around how best to harness value creation, and how to fill the “vacuum” between corporates (sustainability) and investors (ESG).
Corporate governance
The group’s inaugural roundtable explored a diverse range of topics in the UK’s corporate governance landscape – reform, the regulatory scope of the FRC, changes to the Governance Code, and the review of the Stewardship Code. We were honoured to host Richard Moriarty, CEO of the Financial Reporting Council, and Peter Swabey, Policy and Research Director at the Chartered Governance Institute, who led the discussion.